Apple Aperture 2, Adobe Lightroom 2 and Apple iPhoto 09 (aka Aperture Lite) are awesome photography workflow tools.
But, they're a bit cumbersome if you want to preview a collection of photos, delete the rubbish ones, rotate the keepers and organise them quickly. All of the above packages require you to import them, catalogue them (or have them added to the catalogue), build previews and thumbnails and after all of that, do your sorting. You then have to export the photos, remove them from the respective application and get on with your day.
This sucks.
So, I turned to Camerabits Photo Mechanic, which had some rave reviews. US$150 ? You must be joking. For that price, it should give personal commentary on my photos, and I know its not going to do that. So, I looked around for a Mac version of old faithful, ACDSee. Yay, they have one! But, its in beta. I downloaded it and tried it, and yes, it works. As a beta. But it'll be expensive - the Windows version now goes for over US$100. Too rich for me, and not available yet.
More digging revealed Lemkesoft GraphicConverter. It does everything I need, and about 700% more. And its cheap; US$35! Thank you very much, it works wonders! I can highly recommend it.